Aquarius House is Ownes by
Saturn (Sani). Moon sign (Rashi)
Aquarius means
that Moon was present in
Aquarius Sign in birth time. If you do not know your moon
sign, Please
generate free Horoscope Prediction to know this. Please note that this
is not Western Sun sign based prediction.
Moon Astro Brings Free monthly report for
Aquarius Moon Sign.This prediction
is based on Indian Vedic Moon sign (Rashi) based astrology.
Aquarius Kumbha, may 2020: Health Prediction:
The first week of May might bring you great health duringits initial days, but your health may be worsened and you may feel illconcerning your cranium as the month progresses towards the second week. Youmay find your health to be wholesome and your stresses subsiding. The thirdweek may find you to be anxious due to any reason, which might decrease in thelatter part of the week. The fourth week may bring you luck regarding your bothphysical and mental health in its initial days, while as the month progressestowards its tip, you might find yourself to be troubled with stomach issues,depression, exhaustion.
Aquarius Kumbha, may 2020: Business and Job Prediction:
The first week of May might bring you luck in your job andbusiness dealings. For unemployed people, your endeavour may bring you fruitfulresults. You may be successful in your activities despite the obstructions andhurdles in your job. The second week may bring you profit in your job andbusiness. Also, you might be able to complete your tasks and you may find the authorityof any important task in your job. For unemployed people, this time of themonth may bring you luck and your business dealings might not prove to be luckyduring the third week of May. The fourth week may bring you luck in your joband you may feel excessively pressured due to excess work in your workplace.For business, this time of the month may bring you a moderate profit.
Aquarius Kumbha, may 2020: Financial Prediction:
The initial days of the first week of May might find you tobe losing money but you may gain money during the midweek, and later in theweek your finance may be stable. The second week may bring you luck concerning again of money. The third week may find you to be losing money in its initialdays, but as the month moves towards the fourth week, you might gain somemoney. The fourth week may bring you unexpected gain of income in its initialdays, but as the month progresses towards its tip, there may be possibilitiesof you losing money or you might need to borrow money during this period.
Aquarius Kumbha, may 2020: Educational Prediction;
The month of May might bring you moderate success concerningyour education and studies.
Aquarius Kumbha, may 2020: Social Life Prediction:
The first week of May might find your secret enemies to bestrengthening, you might have arguments with your relatives, and anger may bethe reason behind your loss of important opportunities. Also, you might findyour friends causing you defamation and there are chances of you being harassedby your enemies unpredictably. The second week may bring you chance of anyfavourable changes for you, stress may increase due to your kids, you mightfind yourself to be interested in spiritual activities, assistance, your stressmay reduce resulting in Your contentment, your familial life might be peaceful,your awaited or delayed problem might find a solution during this period. Thethird week may bring new connections assistance resulting in your happiness. Thethird week may find you to be indulged in social or communal services, youmight also find a chance to travel. The fourth week may bring you hurdles andobstacles blocking your path of success, which otherwise your talent may easilyachieve. Your friends may harm you, there are probabilities of your problems tobe solved, but your familial life might be wrangled during this period.
Aquarius Kumbha, may 2020: Love and Married Life Prediction:
The first part of the month may be disappointing for thelovers, while the married couples may enjoy bliss. Whereas the second half ofthe month may bring discord, separation of the married couples and lovers mightfind their romance to be blooming.